Monday, December 7, 2009

I would like to take this time to promote awareness and acceptance for my Shewee

A Shewee is a plastic portable urination device for females. It's shaped so that it can fit perfectly over the area, and because of the perfect fit, requires no post-urination wiping.

This is a Shewee:

This is my Shewee:

This is what it looks like when you use a Shewee:

No private areas are exposed during use, so semi-public urination on a tree or in a bush is perfectly okay.

The Shewee is very handy when you're out on the town and you can't find a restroom. The Shewee is very handy when you're at a party and the bathroom line is a mile long. The Shewee is very handy in general.

I got mine on ebay for $10. I found out about it when I thought of it myself, and Googled it to see if it already existed. The device of my dreams for $10 was a great find.

A lot of girls get a lot of nonsense about using a Shewee, mostly from guys. It's hard for your average person to fathom a female standing and peeing like a guy would, so when they see it, they're a bit thrown off. The main problem females have with the Shewee is hygiene. I make sure to wash it with soap and water after every use, and store it in a separate compartment in my purse. They still insist that hygiene must be an issue. The problem I get most from guys is that girls "just shouldn't be able to do that." That really doesn't bother me. But I have been told that I must not have any dignity, I must have some sort of penis envy, and that it's disgusting. Even though it isn't true, they just can't handle it. Convenience at the expense of... well, nothing, seems pretty sensible to me.

Anyone with a choice between trying to hold your urine at the end of a long line, and finding a nice secluded bush to pee in, would do the same.

Shewees are awesome and girls shouldn't be given a hard time for using something so ingenious.

Here's a handy link to find your own on ebay:

1 comment:

Walk and Travel said...

Hi Ashley, like the blog! I'm really pleased you used the shewee and found it useable. There is a huge joke about people buying these as gifts for people and then not using them. In the run up to Christmas I literally sold hundreds of shewees - so great to hear you have a positive time with yours!